[25] More importantly, the tax collected from the Townshend duty was used to pay the salaries of some colonial governors and judges. [77] Robert Murray, a New York merchant, went to Lord North with three other merchants and offered to pay for the losses, but the offer was turned down.[78]. With this new tax burden driving up the price of British tea, sales plummeted. [24] The severe famine in Bengal from 1769 to 1773 had drastically reduced the revenue of the East India Company from India bringing the Company to the verge of bankruptcy and the Tea Act of 1773 was enacted to help the East India Company. In retaliation, Parliament passed the series of punitive measures known in the colonies as the Intolerable Acts, including the Boston Port Bill, which shut off the city’s sea trade pending payment for the destroyed tea. However, it should have been apparent in…, Boston was not the only port to threaten to reject the casks of taxed tea, but its reply was the most dramatic—and provocative.…. [40] In the ships were more than 2,000 chests containing nearly 600,000 pounds of tea. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. On December 16, 1773, colonists dumped British tea into Boston Harbor, a political protest and iconic event in American history. [47], Colonial merchants, some of them smugglers, played a significant role in the protests. The Boston Tea Party was an act of rebellion from which the strained relationship between Britain and the colonies would never recover. [41] Americans learned the details of the Tea Act while the ships were en route, and opposition began to mount. When new taxes were levied in the Townshend Revenue Act of 1767, Whig colonists again responded with protests and boycotts. [5] When tea became popular in the British colonies, Parliament sought to eliminate foreign competition by passing an act in 1721 that required colonists to import their tea only from Great Britain. [55], In every colony except Massachusetts, protesters were able to force the tea consignees to resign or to return the tea to England. There would be a tax of £1,750 to be paid by the importers when the cargo landed. In March 1774, the Sons of Liberty received information that this tea was being held in a warehouse in Boston, entered the warehouse and destroyed all they could find. Meanwhile, the meeting assigned twenty-five men to watch the ship and prevent the tea – including a number of chests from Davison, Newman and Co. of London – from being unloaded. The merchants of Boston circumvented the act by continuing to receive tea smuggled in by Dutch traders. In the fall of 1773, the first ships filled with tea began to sail for … Not all, however, applaud the Destruction of the Tea (later designated the Boston Tea Party). The company thus could sell the tea at a less-than-usual price in either America or Britain; it could undersell anyone else. Some colonists, known in the colonies as Whigs, objected to the new tax program, arguing that it was a violation of the British Constitution. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/event/Boston-Tea-Party, Social Studies for Kids - The Boston Tea Party, Boston Tea Party - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Boston Tea Party - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). December 16, 1773 Evening: Between 6 p.m and 9 p.m. a group of men dressed as Mohawk Indians throw 342 chests of tea overboard into the Boston harbor; the approximate cost of the tea …

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