For the last 30km I massively increased in speed – thanks to the Chocolate Fudge Cake and cupcakes from the guys and girls at Extreme Catering – in the end gaining nearly 40 places. Richmond-Upon-Thames is the start, and it’s over the North Downs with wonderful Surrey & … I'm possibly looking at this years south coast challenge again as I've really got the bug now. LSMOC. Sadly there are the stiles – many stiles – probably should be renamed the ultra of a thousand stiles. Thirty years ago, we did it again. • Henley 10K Challenge London 2 Brighton Challenge29 - 30 May 2021. The Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run is one of the most atmospheric events of the world of old-timers. This ultra marathon is truly a challenge and I wouldn't recommend to someone with who has no experience with marathons. I've just taken part in the 2016 London 2 Brighton challenge. Getting to Tulley's farm and Ardingly College was a nightmare. Kit list very detailed and exact to requirements of challenge and expected weather conditions. GE Classic Motor Events, 1st Floor,  25 Alcester Road, Bromsgrove, B60 1JT, LONDON TO BRIGHTON MODERN CLASSIC CAR RUN. like these, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The full meals are hard to digest for me but loads of people were tucking into pasta and fajitas etc at Tully’s Farm. There are plenty of mud holes throughout the challenge which could seriously injury your legs and feet if your not careful. 1litre of water was the bare minimum for this race and I did struggle at some points where I under estimated the heat and arrived waterless and slightly dehydrated at one or two checkpoints – a rookie mistakes if I am honest – next time I will check the weather forecast.Issues: Only really two for me – the lack of showers/changing facilities at the finishing point. Suitable for: Runners who have completed at least one ultra distance race (or similar event) or are doing long distance running (>26 miles) regularly, with elevation shown. Suitable for: For runners from beginners to experienced as you choose your own course and challenge based on the guidelines and options set by the virtual race organiser. More road than I'd expected and it took its toll. I really don’t like them - I can shuffle along just fine, but give me a stile late in a race and they are a cramp inducing trap waiting for me!Checkpoints: Excellent as previous races, but now even better! Because of this I had to take care of myself by getting up even though I was in extreme pain to get a freaking thermal blanket to sleep on. The driver turned on to the M23, which is not part of the route, while taking part in the annual event and crashed with a lorry. Lohner-Porsche "Hybrid" in Brighton at the end of the VCC London to Brighton run. Would definitely do again. Some of the earlier parts were a little like training runs through towns but it was worth it once out in the downs in beautiful sunshine.Great support at the aid stations with cereal bars, crisps, noodles standard and one with a full on pick n mix - it’s all free. Keep in mind that it had taken me 31 hours to complete this ultra challenge. Hard terrain but as it says, it is the Ultimate Endurance Challenge so i wanted to be pushed to my limits. I usually keep away from fast food/ junk food. The first London to Brighton run was organised by the Motor Car Club and held on the 14th November 1896. If you are looking for an event to push you to your limits and beyond this is the one for you.

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