5we have sinned and done wrong. 29Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything offensive against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego will be cut into pieces and their houses reduced to rubble. and myriads upon myriads stood before Him. 2Now then, I will tell you the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. The book of Daniel contains much prophecy—some that has been fulfilled and some that will be fulfilled in the future. 15Now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and who made for Yourself a name renowned to this day, we have sinned; we have acted wickedly. The book is made up primarily of historical narrative (found mainly in chs. of the technical terms appearing in ch. 39He will attack the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him, making them rulers over many and distributing the land for a price.h. 9If you do not tell me the dream, there is only one decree for you. vii-xii). b.c. 9Then King Belshazzar became even more terrified, his face grew even more pale, and his nobles were bewildered. This paper. 43He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and over all the riches of Egypt, and the Libyans and Cushitesj will also submit to him. 16And I heard the voice of a man calling from between the banks of the Ulai: “Gabriel, explain the vision to this man.”. You will feed on grass like an ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass you by, until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whom He wishes. The origin and purpose of Daniel is one of the biggest questions in the Bible. 34But at the end of those days I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven, and my sanity was restored to me. 16So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the den of lions. 31As you, O king, were watching, a great statuec appeared. Many will roam to and fro, and knowledge will increase.” 5 Then I, Daniel, looked and saw two others standing there, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 37Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, for all His works are true and all His ways are just. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The beast also had four heads, and it was given authority to rule. In 605 B.C. The book of Daniel begins in 604 B.C., which is eighteen years prior to the destruction of the first Temple in 586 B.C. 14As soon as the king heard this, he was deeply distressed and set his mind on delivering Daniel, and he labored until sundown to rescue him. 13However, the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. The Book of Daniel Introduction to the Book of Daniel in the Bible. It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of distress. The book of Daniel portrays the Messiah as a suffering (“cut off” - 9:26), a common theme in other Messianic passages (Isa. 45And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future. 4But as soon as he is established, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven. It was different from all the beasts before it, and it had ten horns. 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He was speaking with me, Daniel Copyright 2002 © Zondervan be granted little! Rulers by bringing upon us fell facedown as soon as he is established, his kingdom will be strong.

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